The F2F™ model has been promoted to different stakeholders in Europe as well as in Bangladesh
Since conceptualization of F2F™ model, Juteborg has been doing stakeholder engagements and promotion around the world. The objective has been to establish the value chain transformation as the opportunity which also minimises the risks. Eventually through out this time, the model even got shaped up and ready for the next step.
Few glimpses of the years long high powered engagement of F2F™
Farmer to Factory Jute Supply Chain™
A Jute value chain transformation inititative by Juteborg Sweden AB
Click on the image to enlarge
Swedish Parliament
Swedish Embassy, Dhaka
Inclusive Business Workshop, Berlin, Germany
IBS Event, Gothenburg, Sweden
Bangladesh Embassy, Stockholm
Channel i, Bangladesh
Nordic Development Fund, Helsinki, Finland
II2030 Berlin, Germanny
Asian Development Bank, Bangladesh
Key note speech at Uddevala municipality
Jute Ministry Bangladesh
NMC Gothenburg, Sweden