The F2F™ model has been validated with the support of Nordic Climate Facility by Nordic Development Fund
Juteborg took part in the 7th call of Nordic Climate Facility. Out of 138 different international projects, Juteborg’s “JutePP® – the sustainable material for plastic” was chosen as one of the 11 winning projects. The project aims to produce Jute fibre reinforced plastic granule (JutePP®) and validate the model – F2F™.
The successful F2F™validation, with 1224 Jute farmers is leading us to the pilot implementation.
Razzaque Jute Industries Ltd (RJIL) has been chosen as the local lead in the F2F™ validation. Their close association with and spontaneous access to the jute farmers, location near to the Jute fields, expertise in manufacturing the best Jute yarn (input material of JutePP®) and above all the wholehearted willingness to implement F2F™, made the best match partner as the local F2F™ lead in Bangladesh.
Juteborg Sweden AB
The initiator of F2F™
The F2F™validation is taking place in the best Jute grown area in the world - Faridpur, Bangladesh
1st workshop of a series of 2 workshops, was organized under the theme “How to increase the income of the Jute farmers by connecting the farmers directly to the value chain?” The workshop focused around existing value chain mapping, mechanism on connecting the farmers to the direct value chain, traceability, drafting the MoU between Jute mills & farmers, representative.
Key participants:
ute high tech innovation team from Sweden, Juteborg Advisor from Liechtenstein Government, Jute Ambassador from Sweden – top ten heavy metal bass players in the world, Jute research and development collaborator from France, Filmmaker from Sweden, Inclusive Business Sweden.
Key Jute value chain actors: Jute Farmers, Jute Traders, Jute mill owner, Jute fibre quality controller.
Development organizations: CARE Bangladesh, BRAC
Honourable Minister of Jute and Textile, Honourable secretary to the Jute minister, Chairman – Press Institute of Bangladesh, local Government – District Commissioner of Faridpur District, National print and electronic media.
A dedicated day long workshop was arranged to understand the climate change adaptation and mitigation challenges and impacts. Farmers are living climate change but never heard of it before.
Climate change assessment, forecast, several best practices, probable sustainable solutions are identified.
Some of the solutions are already taken into practice, some trials are made, learnings are captured, and some are to be implemented in the pilot stage together with the key actors.
The workshop was designed around 4 probable solutions around 11 identified broad line challenges. A co-creation discussion helped to shape up the major solutions together with the key actors in the Jute value chain.
Juteborg together with the partners and the key actors will test these solutions in practical during the pilot implementation phase.
20 Jute farmers (15 male + 5 female) were given hands on training to build and enhance their capability in sustainable Jute cultivation. The practical training were given around quality seed identification, self sustain own seed production, best agro practice, Jute fibre quality classification, sustainable Jute rettings.
A comprehensive training modules are prepared in order to spread the knowledge further in a larger scale. A local trainer is also prepared to provide one-stop solution to the F2F™ farmers.
A comprehensive F2F™ database has been prepared which includes 1224 farmers who are keen to join the F2F™ platform.
An in depth cost benefit analysis of Jute cultivation process is also completed with easy to implement key solution paths to increase the income of the F2F™ Jute farmers.
This database is the baseline to pilot the solutions in the pilot phase.
An inclusive memorandum of understanding (MOU) between Jute mill & F2F™ farmers is signed. The objective of the MOU is to lead direct purchase of the Jute fibre by the Razzaque Jute Industries Ltd from the F2F™ farmers.
This has been a major breakthrough in the history of Jute industry. Some initial direct purchasing incidents have been highly encouraging.
A short film made on the 1st F2F™ workshop. This is a research type "work in progress" film as part of a future "documentary movie"
See the photo gallery for some glimpse of the F2F™ validation activities.
Following organisations collaborated during F2F™ validation
Farmer to Factory Jute Supply Chain™
Spontaneous reaction of the F2F™ Farmers after direct purchase as per MoU