Farmer to Factory Jute Supply Chain™
A Jute value chain transformation initiative by Juteborg
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Farmer to Factory Jute Supply Chain ™ (F2F™) by Juteborg Sweden AB

Building a sustainable & circular business ecosystem by transforming Jute to High-Tech

F2F™ is the first ever, a comprehensive value chain transformation model in the Jute industry initiated by Juteborg as part of its circular business model.

F2F™ envisions to use certified Jute fibre as the input material in Jute high tech products which is traceable while giving fair price to the farmers.

JutePP® granule is such an example of Jute high tech product where the input raw material – Jute fibre will be sourced from the sustainable F2F™ value chain.

An unparallel competitive advantage for involved stakeholders.

Each major steps of Jute cultivation starting from seed till processed Jute fibre and sticks will be certified environmentally and socially.  

A Jute high tech finished products will be possible to traceback to the origin of the Jute cultivation ensuring transparency. 

The required Jute volume will be secured for the related Jute based high valued high tech products which will minimize the future risks. 

The fair price will be given back to the F2F farmers making Jute cultivation lucrative  to the next generation rural youth. 

"It is not about just to certify and check that everything is topnotch. This is not how you lead impact. The impact is about you take charge together of a totally unexplored, underdeveloped industry and set a role model making progress in every step towards a sustainable vision. This is indeed making an impact at large."

Christina Östergren

Example of Juteborg's Jute high tech products

Workshops & Trainings
F2F™ Farmers

Key Collaborators

Farmer to Factory Jute Supply Chain™

A Jute value chain transformation inititative by Juteborg Sweden AB

Farmer to Factory Jute Supply Chain™

F2F™ progress summary post validation


11 challenges like - seed quality, retting, untapped opportunity etc are captured after several interactions, workshops & benchmarking with the farmers & other key stakeholders.


4 key solution streams including block chain technology, have been vetted by the key actors in the value chain to overcome the 11 challenges.


The validation already started direct purchase between partner Jute mill & 1200+ F2F™ farmers, indicating a substantial income increment.


Know about Juteborg

Juteborg is a Swedish company focused on innovation, design & production of high-tech Jute based materials, composites and products in the industries of Automotive/Transportation, Construction/Interior, Textile/Fashion and Packaging. Juteborg works through a circular model perspective

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